ReCity Network

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Race & the City: An Interview with DurhamCares Reynolds Chapman

"Our vision is to see communities holistically restored, with churches fully engaged in that process of transformation."

-Reynolds Chapman, Durham Cares


Reynolds Chapman is Executive Director of DurhamCares, whose mission is to mobilize Durham residents to love their neighbors. He is a minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church and actively involved in the Christian Community Development Association. He lives with his wife, Katelyn, in Durham. He is serving as a panelist during our Q&A discussion with local community leaders, directly after Race & The City: A Community Forum w/ Sho Baraka

        Why are conversations on Race so important for cities like Durham? 

Race is America's original sin and has impacted every corner of our society, from laws, to industry, to theology. If communities are to be restored, racism, and the entire construct of race, needs to be recognized, repented of, and dismantled."

What is DurhamCares' mission?

The mission of DurhamCares is to mobilize Durham residents to love their neighbors. We do this by providing resources and facilitating events that foster holistic, community-driven approaches to seeking the flourishing of all people in the city.

What makes your work unique?

Our work is unique because we help people reimagine how they engage with their community, and we mobilize them to put healthy postures of engagement into action. Our approach is based on the philosophy of Christian Community Development, which is essentially asset-based community development through a biblical lens.

What is your vision for Durham?

Our vision is to see communities holistically restored, with churches fully engaged in that process of transformation.

Learn more about DurhamCares and our mission here!

                           -Reynolds Chapman, DurhamCares