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Meet the New ReCity Intern

About Kaity

Hi everyone! My name is Kaity Braxton and I am the new face around here. I will be interning with ReCity through the end of April 2019 and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s in store for my time here!

I am a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, finishing up my major in Human Development and Family Studies. I completed my first year of college right after high school at UNCG. With no idea what path I wanted to take career-wise, I took two years off of college and worked at a bank. I went back to school in 2016 at Durham Technical Community College, then transferred to my dream school in the Fall of 2017. Go Heels! This journey really solidified my belief that everything happens for a reason, and that there are so many different paths to success.

I am a North Carolina native, born and raised in the mountains just north of Asheville. I loved growing up in WNC, but have had the best time making the Piedmont my home for the past four years. I currently live in Carrboro with my husband, Austin, and our pets. Together we have two sweet kitties, Cooper & Ellie, and one awesome little beagle pup named Ben. I adore my fur babies! Besides my home and family, some of my favorite things are hot bubble baths, watching The Office on repeat, Chick-Fil-A, game nights, Disney World, creativity, and anything that makes me feel nostalgic. 

Why ReCity?

I heard about ReCity from my professor who recommended that I look into an internship here. As soon as I read over the website and read the mission, I was excited to learn more and possibly be a part of this unique organization. When I saw that my church, The Summit, was a partner of ReCity, I was sure this would be a good place for me. Rob and Zenzele only further confirmed those feelings though my conversations with them in the days and weeks that followed. 

I deeply believe in the mission of ReCity; it is central to my own personal faith. Equity and justice are important to me, and systemic change of structures that either deliberately or inadvertently disadvantage some groups more than others is crucial to create a world where everyone can succeed, not just certain people. Too often the people that succeed look one way, and the people that struggle look another. One thing I love about ReCity is that they recognize that treating symptoms of these deep-seated problems doesn’t lead to ultimate healing; they are interested in treating the root cause of the problem. I am humbled and honored to be chosen to be a part of such a wonderful community and look forward to a semester of fun and growth here at ReCity.